South EAST AR LTD Terms and conditions

Table of Contents

1. Definitions

  • “Organiser” refers to the entity “South East AR Ltd” who are responsible for arranging and managing the event/race/series.
  • “Participant” refers to all individuals registered to participate in the event/race/series.
  • “Event” refers to the event/race/series organised by the Organiser.
  • “Venue” refers to the location(s) where the event/race/series takes place

2. Entry

Participants must complete the registration process using the appropriate online entry forms and provide accurate information. By entering and taking part in an Event, Participants confirm and declare that they:

    • Meet the specified age and fitness requirements for the event.
    • All participants under the age of 18 must have parental consent to take part in any Event and any juniors under 16 years old on the day of the Event must be accompanied by an adult/guardian for the duration of the Event. This adult/guardian agrees to take full responsibility for their own safety and the safety of the under 18’s in their care during the Event. The adult/guardian confirms that they are all capable of completing the entire Event.
    • To enter Events containing an element of water sport. Participants confirm that they can swim a minimum of 20 metres.
    • Take part at their own risk, are fit to do so and, if necessary, have consulted a doctor and followed their advice.
    • Have read the rules and understand the nature of this Event.
    • If you enter another person into the Event, it is your responsibility to make them aware of the terms and conditions.
    • Entry fees are non-refundable except as outlined in the Participant Withdrawal & Refunds section.
    • Acceptance of these terms and conditions releases the Organiser from liability, and the Participant hereby waives, releases and forever discharges, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, any and all rights and/or claims which the Participant may have against the Organiser (including any of its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and Event sponsors) for any and all damages and/or claims which may be sustained by him directly or indirectly arising out of his participation in the Event (including the application of emergency or medical services at the Event).

3. Event Cancellation by Organiser

The Organiser may have to make the difficult decision to postpone or cancel an Event. The Organiser will endeavour to notify Participants as soon as possible. However, under certain circumstances the Event may have to be cancelled/postponed due to unforeseen irremediable circumstances. Whilst this is high unlikely, Participants, by accepting these terms and conditions accept that the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the event due to:

  • Unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather conditions or safety concerns beyond their reasonable control.
  • Advised or ordered to by the police or other statutory bodies.
  • If one month prior to the Event fate the minimum number of participants required for the event to proceed has not been reached.
  • In the event of cancellation, the Organiser will endeavour to notify participants using the website, social media, race registration sites and the contact details provided during registration. However, Participants are advised to check the website, emails (junk folder) and local weather forecasts during the lead up to the Event Day including before travelling to the Venue.  
  • In the event of an Event cancellation the Organiser will provide options to transfer to an alternate event or issue a refund. The amount refunded will be subject to a handling/admin fee.
  • The Organiser will have no responsibility for any Third-Party costs incurred including, but not limited to, bike hire, travel and/or accommodation.
  • The Organiser accepts no responsibility for happening of Force Majeures.

4. Participant Withdrawal & Refunds

The Event Organiser incurs costs from the moment that the Event organisation starts. However, the Organiser understands that circumstances arise which prevent people from taking part in an event. Participants, by accepting these terms and conditions accept that the Organiser, in the event of a Participant withdrawal will apply the following:

  • Notification more than 2 weeks in advance of the event – transfer to an alternative event.
  • Notification less that 2 weeks in advance of the event – no refund or option to transfer to an alternative event.
  • Participants understand that if for any reason you can’t take part in an event you will not receive a refund.
  • No exceptions will be made including but not limited to injuries.
  • In the event of a withdrawal the Participant is required to inform the Organisers via email –
  • Event entries are only transferable to other persons with prior notification to the Organiser. Participant that is withdrawing is obliged to make the new Participant aware of these terms and conditions.

5. Changes to the Event

  • The Organiser reserves the right to make changes to the event format, schedule, or venue if necessary.
  • Participants will be notified of any changes in advance whenever possible.

6. Participant Obligations

General Obligations

  • Participants must adhere to all Event rules, regulations, and safety guidelines provided by the Organiser.
  • Participants must abide by the Organiser’s terms and conditions
  • Participants are responsible for their own safety and well-being during the event.
  • Participants will be liable to pay a replacement fee if a timing device, in the event it is issued to them, is lost, or not returned at the end of the day.
  • Participants must always follow the directions of the event marshals on the day of the Event and will stop if directed by a marshal.
  • Participants are responsible for their conduct whilst participating in the Event. We reserve the right at any time to refuse your entry into or your further Participation in an Event if, in our reasonable opinion, your behaviour has or is likely to cause danger, upset, distress to you, any other Participant, Spectator, Event staff or to property. If we exercise our rights under this paragraph, you will not be entitled to a refund from us. We will also not be liable to you for any compensation or for any third-party costs, expenses, or losses (including, but not limited to, travel costs, accommodation and/or hire services) incurred by you because of your removal from an Event.
  • If you cause damage to any property (intentional or otherwise), you will be responsible for the cost of this damage and you agree to fully indemnify us for the full amount of any losses, damages, compensation, claims, costs and expenses (including all legal costs and expenses) made against us by the property owner or by any third party.
  • Any published reports relating to activities organised by the Organiser must include the relevant event logo and contact details.
  • Participants agree that Organiser can contact them about future events and promotions but may opt out at any time from this by contacting the Organiser on email –


Participant Obligations during the event

  • Attendance at the safety briefing on the race day before the Event starts.
  • Some activities are potentially dangerous if not skilfully managed. Safety must therefore be paramount, and all Participants must accept that the decision of the Organiser is always final and to be accepted by the Participants.
  • Participant will use their mobile phone and the emergency number printed on the course map to let us know if, for any reason, they won’t make it back to the finish before the course closes.
  • Participant will head directly back to the finish if they are running late and won’t visit any more checkpoints (as the furthest checkpoints will start to be removed before the course closure time).
  • Participant will stick to the permitted routes, as defined on the course map, always during the Event, and will get clarification from a member of staff before they start if they are in any doubt about what routes they can/can’t use for each discipline.
  • Participant will stop if directed to do so by a marshal and will not continue again until told it is safe to proceed.

7. Participant Declarations and Disclaimer

Participants, by accepting these terms and conditions understand and accept the following:

  • Participants must declare any medical conditions, injuries, or other relevant information that may affect their ability to safely participate in the event.
  • By participating, Participants acknowledge and accept the risks associated with these activities and the Event. Participants understand that participation could result in injury or death.
  • Participants authorise medical staff the right to provide medical treatment in an emergency. Participants also agree to being liable for any expenses incurred for any medical treatment offered to them in an emergency.
  • A safety briefing will be held before the event and Participants must attend. This will cover any information the Participants need to be made aware of before taking part, as well as any safety points that they must adhere to during the Event.

8. Limitation of Liability

The Organiser (including any of its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and Event sponsors) shall have no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever in respect with the Participants participating in any events organised by the Organiser.

The Organiser and its affiliates shall not be liable for any injuries, damages, or losses sustained during the event, except in cases of negligence or wilful misconduct.

The Organiser and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damage to property belonging to or travelling with any Participants or their group.

The Organiser is no way responsible for any loss, damage or theft of any possessions left at the event Venue, on any part of the course, or in a car.

9. Insurances

The Organiser is covered by all necessary insurances for the Event.

Participants are encouraged to arrange adequate personal insurance for themselves and their team. Please note that many insurance policies exclude cover for certain sporting activities, so you should carefully check the terms of any proposed insurance policy to ensure that it meets your requirements.

10. Data Protection

The Organiser will handle participant data in accordance with relevant data protection laws of the United Kingdom.

Participants understand that their personal data will only be shared with Race Directors and medical personnel who are organising the Event the participant has entered, for the purpose of communication about that specific Event.

Participant information will only be used for event-related purposes and will not be shared with third parties without consent.

11. Use of Image and Other Rights

Participants grant the Organiser permission to use their likeness, photographs, and videos captured during the event for promotional and marketing purposes, without compensation.

All photographs, videos, or other recorded media may be used by the Organiser for the purposes of marketing or advertising without any payment or compensation being offered and without any request being made to the featured parties.

Please contact us by e-mail on if you’d prefer for your photographs not to be used for this purpose or if there are any safety or safeguarding concerns.

The Organizer retains all intellectual property rights associated with the event.

12. General Terms

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Organiser and Participants.

Any disputes arising from the event shall be governed by the law of the United Kingdom and subject to the jurisdiction of courts in the United Kingdom only.

By registering for the Event, participants indicate their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.